Innovation Activities of the Russian Companies: The Results of Empirical Study


  • Vera A. Rebiazina Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Sergey P. Kouchtch Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Alexander V. Krasnikov Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Maria M. Smirnova Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


The objective of this research is to test multifaceted measurement of the innovation activities of companies based on “Innovation Radar” methodology. The authors conducted both qualitative and quantitative studies: first, the methodology was assessed during fifteen in-depth interviews with the managers of Russian innovative companies and, second, empirically tested using the survey of 120 Russian innovation companies (165 respondents). The conclusions were made about the influence of different dimensions of the innovation activities of Russian companies on their performance.


innovations, types of innovations, measure of innovation activities of the companies


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How to Cite

Rebiazina, V. A., Kouchtch, S. P., Krasnikov, A. V., & Smirnova, M. M. (2011). Innovation Activities of the Russian Companies: The Results of Empirical Study. Russian Management Journal, 9(3), 29–54. Retrieved from



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