Marketing in Emerging Markets: Definitions and Research Agenda



The article examines in detail the issues related to the definition of emerging markets in general and the attribution of particular countries to this category. It is stated in compliance with papers by Burgess & Steenkamp (2006) and Sheth (2011) that emerging markets offer a challenge to existing marketing methodology and research practice, and thus require additional validity verification for selected approaches to the study and measurement of management variables. The authors argue that in current circumstances, it is not only possible but also necessary to rethink the main directions of marketing theory and research methodology development from the perspective of the study of emerging markets research.




emerging markets, emerging countries, emerging economies, marketing strategy in emerging markets


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How to Cite

Alkanova, O. N., & Smirnova, M. M. (2014). Marketing in Emerging Markets: Definitions and Research Agenda. Russian Management Journal, 12(1), 95–108. Retrieved from



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