Portfolio and Evolutionary Approaches to Building Relationships with Partners: The Case of Russian Companies



The objective of the paper is to analyze the approaches to form the system of relationships with partners used by Russian companies. The system of relationships with partners formation is analyzed on the basis of empirical study of Russian innovative companies. Total sample of the quantitative study resulted in 625 R ussian companies. 419 companies were surveyed in 2008 and 206 companies were surveyed in 2010. Main results of the empirical research are presented in the paper.


relationship marketing, system of relationships with partners, portfolio of relationships, innovative companies


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How to Cite

Rebiazina, V. A., Smirnova, M. M., & Kouchtch, S. P. (2013). Portfolio and Evolutionary Approaches to Building Relationships with Partners: The Case of Russian Companies. Russian Management Journal, 11(3), 31–52. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/234



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