Economic Antecedents of Low Customer Orientation of Firms in BRIC Countries



This research is aimed at finding the economic causes of comparatively low level of customer orientation of the firms in BRIC countries. To generate hypotheses on the causes, the market environment and conditions for doing business, and management practices and entrepreneurial activity in BRIC countries are compared based on the studies by the World Economic Forum, the World Bank and the Global entrepreneurship monitor consortium. Also the conclusions regarding the consumer products markets and firm market strategies in emerging countries are generated on the basis of academic literature review in comparative strategic management and expert views on management in emerging countries. The outcome of the research is a number of propositions on the economic determinants of gaps in the level of customer orientation on the developed and emerging markets. Furthermore the specific characteristics of so called “client orientation” in BRIC countries are discussed on the base of participant observation.



customer orientation, BRIC countries


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How to Cite

Popov, N. I., & Tretyak, O. A. (2014). Economic Antecedents of Low Customer Orientation of Firms in BRIC Countries. Russian Management Journal, 12(1), 109–138. Retrieved from



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