New Approach to Business Model Analysis




Business models (BM) are becoming one of the actively studied subjects in contemporary management research, being highly demanded by both academic and professional communities. It is assumed that BM innovation could serve as a crucial source of competitive advantage for
the company, that it much less expensive than new product launches or investment in new market entering. Regardless the significant growth of publications in BM area many questions still remain unanswered. Various researchers develop new approaches to BM analysis that are aimed to better understand a company BM and also explore the mechanisms for its change and improvement. This article offers a new approach to BM analysis that is based on value chains and organizational networks theory. This approach is based on key tendencies in BM research and has a number of specific features that differentiate it from the other approaches and make it more adaptable and practically applicable in business.


business models, value chains, analysis and development, competitive advantage


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How to Cite

Tretyak, O. A., & Klimanov, D. E. (2016). New Approach to Business Model Analysis. Russian Management Journal, 14(1), 115–130.



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