Application of a Network-Based Approach for Business Model Analysis: The Example of Russian Pharmaceutical Market




This article elaborates upon the paper by O. Tretyak and D. Klimanov published in the Russian Management Journal vol. 14, issue 1. It demonstrates a practical application of the approach to business model (BM) analysis and change management, developed by the authors and based on organizational networks theory. The study is devoted to the example of Russian pharmaceutical market and the international manufacturing company that specializes in ophthalmology, medical aesthetics and neurosciences. The results obtained are based on a number of expert interviews with the representatives of company management. In line with three suggested levels of BM analysis, the authors conducted a sequence of procedures that allowed not only to highlight the specifics of the approach and clarify it, but also to offer concrete directions for BM change in order to increase the value that is jointly created by BM actors for the final consumer.


business models, value chains, pharmaceutical market, Russia


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How to Cite

Klimanov, D. E., & Tretyak, O. A. (2016). Application of a Network-Based Approach for Business Model Analysis: The Example of Russian Pharmaceutical Market. Russian Management Journal, 14(2), 77–100.



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