The Role of a Board of Directors In Russian Growing Companies:
A Case of Joint Stock Financial Corporation “Sistema”, Part II


  • Tatiana G. Dolgopyatova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Alexander M. Libman German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP); National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Igor O. Petrov Joint Stock Financial Corporation «Sistema», Russia
  • Andrey A. Yakovlev National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


The paper continues the research published in the previous issue of the Russian Management Journal and based on the large-scale case study of joint stock company “Sistema”. This paper focuses on the key issue of the case study — the evolution of a Board of directors in growing company. We revealed that the transition to the new business model from operational holding company to investment one accompanied by the strengthening of the role of the Board of directors in strategic decision making and recruiting independent (mainly foreign) directors to the board in this company. The paper presents personal directors’ investment into company development and discusses the issues of communications and motivations connected with Board’s strengthening as well.


board of directors, business model, stock ownership concentration, resource-based view, firm evolution


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Долгопятова Т. Г., Либман А. M., Петров И. О., Яковлев А. А. 2015а. Усиление совета директоров как ответ на потребности развивающегося бизнеса: пример АФК «Система». Препринт НИУ ВШЭ. Серия WP1 «Институциональные проблемы российской экономики». WP1/2015/01. М.: НИУ ВШЭ.

Долгопятова Т. Г., Либман А. M., Петров И. О., Яковлев А. А. 2015б. Роль совета директоров в российских растущих компаниях: опыт АФК «Система», часть I. Российский журнал менеджмента 13 (1): 91–112.

Сайт компании АФК «Система». (дата последнего обращения: 09.02.2015).

СПАРК Интерфакс. Страница ОАО «АФК „Система“». (дата последнего обращения: 10.09.2014).


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The List of References in Cyrillic Transliterated into Latin Alphabet

Dolgopyatova T. G., Libman A. M., Petrov I. O., Yakovlev A. A. 2015а. Usileniye soveta direktorov kak otvet na potrebnosti razvivayushhegosya biznesa: primer AFK «Sistema». Preprint NIU VSHE. Seriya WP1 «Institutsional’nye problemy rossiiskoi ekonomiki». WP1/2015/01. М.: NIU VSHE.

Dolgopyatova T. G., Libman A. M., Petrov I. O., Yakovlev A. A. 2015в. Rol’ soveta direktorov v rossiiskikh rastushchikh kompaniyakh: opyt AFK «Sistema», chast’ I. Rossijskij zhurnal menedzhmenta 13 (1): 91–112.

Sait kompanii AFK «Sistema». (data poslednego obrashheniya: 09.02.2015).

SPARK Interfax. Stranitsa OAO «AFK „Sistema“». (data poslednego obrashheniya: 10.09.2014).



How to Cite

Dolgopyatova, T. G., Libman, A. M., Petrov, I. O., & Yakovlev, A. A. (2015). The Role of a Board of Directors In Russian Growing Companies:<br> A Case of Joint Stock Financial Corporation “Sistema”, Part II. Russian Management Journal, 13(2), 129–148. Retrieved from



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