Marketing Perspectives of Inter-firm Networks: the Russian Practice


  • Sergey P. Kouchtch Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Andrey A. Afanasiev Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


This article discusses marketing perspectives of inter-firm networks in Russia, based on the research of 56 Russian companies that represent various industries in the North-Western region. Characteristics of formation and trends for evolution of inter-firm networks in Russia are discussed. How management values the firm’s marketing relationships within the network are considered from the focal firm’s point of view. Key success factors for efficient managing of marketing relationships and inter-firm networks are determined and assessed, based on the research. Several practical recommendations are presented in the summary.


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How to Cite

Kouchtch, S. P., & Afanasiev, A. A. (2004). Marketing Perspectives of Inter-firm Networks: the Russian Practice. Russian Management Journal, 2(1), 33–52. Retrieved from



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