Quality Management System Certifi cation in Companies from Transition Economies: Empirical Analysis


  • Tatiana G. Dolgopyatova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Veronika A. Vynarik National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


The practice of quality management system certifi cation and impact of the internal and external factors to the managerial decision of a fi rm about the certifi cation are analyzed in the paper. The study is based on a sample of fi rms from the transitional economies. Special attention is paid to reveal similarities and differences in making decision motives between businesses of CIS countries, countries, which just became EU members and countries of Southern Europe, which are not members of EU. This allows to evaluate the role of economic development level and institutional conditions in the management improvement processes. Empirical cross-country analysis was held on the basis of "Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey" (BEEPS — joint initiative of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank) dataset for 2002–2009 years. The binary logistic regression was used.



quality management, quality management system certification, determinants for quality management system certification, transitional economies


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How to Cite

Dolgopyatova, T. G., & Vynarik, V. A. (2011). Quality Management System Certifi cation in Companies from Transition Economies: Empirical Analysis. Russian Management Journal, 9(1), 29–56. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/319



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