The Development of Corporate Entrepreneurship System in Russian Company: Creation, Evolution and Perspective


  • Galina V. Shirokova Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Yana S. Ezhova Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Russia


This paper is devoted to issues of corporate entrepreneurship system development in Russian company. It is based on the 11-year longitudinal case study. Currently, the issues of corporate entrepreneurship are studied mainly in relation to large and well-established companies in developed economies. The present paper, on the one hand, addresses the issues of creating a system of corporate entrepreneurship in small and medium sized companies in emerging markets, and on the other hand, brings a dynamic perspective to corporate entrepreneurship research through examining the influence of organizational design change on the entrepreneurial activity inside the company.


corporate entrepreneurship, organizational design, entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized companies, Russia


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How to Cite

Shirokova, G. V., & Ezhova, Y. S. (2012). The Development of Corporate Entrepreneurship System in Russian Company: Creation, Evolution and Perspective. Russian Management Journal, 10(1), 117–140. Retrieved from



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