Quantity vs Quality of Economic Growth: The Efficiency of Resource Utilization in Russian Industry in 1997–2001



The article discusses the efficiency of resource utilization in Russian industries in 1997–2001. Shock of 1998 led to an increase of total factor productivity, but this tendency did not remain in subsequent years. In different industries the share of enterprises with increased efficiency of resource utilization (both rising and declining their scale of production) varies from 7 to 60%. At the same time, stable and even rising share in industrial output of the enterprises with declining efficiency of resource utilization can be considered as the evidence of serious inefficiencies in Russian markets and unequal conditions of competition which decrease incentives to restructuring and modernization on micro-level.


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How to Cite

Avdasheva, S. B. (2003). Quantity vs Quality of Economic Growth: The Efficiency of Resource Utilization in Russian Industry in 1997–2001. Russian Management Journal, 1(2), 51–78. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/813



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