Socially responsible behavior of SMEs in Russia: Cross-cultural coordinates of G. Hofstede


  • Bela S. Bataeva Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University under Government of Russian Federation, Russia
  • Liudmila M. Cheglakova Faculty of Business and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
  • Olga A. Melitonyan Faculty of Business and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia



In the course of research of companies’ responsible behavior, it is essential to consider an institutional environment which is largely influenced by the national culture. This paper presents an attempt to explore the responsible behavior and activities of Russian small and medium enterprises (SMEs) paying thorough attention to specific features of the national culture. Authors used the concept of G. Hofstede as a useful basis for an empirical measurement of responsible behavior. Empirical indicators and measurement scales are proposed to relate the responsible behavior of SMEs in Russia to five dimensions of culture offered by G. Hofstede. The responsible behavior of Russian SMEs was analyzed based on 61 interviews of owners and managers of Russian SMEs conducted in 2015 and 2017. It was concluded that features of SMEs’ responsible behavior almost completely meet the profile of Russian national culture defined by G. Hofstede's cross-cultural dimensions. Differences are identified in the dimensions of “power distance” and “femininity/masculinity”.


small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurship, socially responsible business, corporate social responsibility, national culture, dimensions of G. Hofstede, institutional theory


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How to Cite

Bataeva, B. S., Cheglakova, L. M., & Melitonyan, O. A. (2020). Socially responsible behavior of SMEs in Russia: Cross-cultural coordinates of G. Hofstede. Russian Management Journal, 18(2), 155–188.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies