Russian Corporation Development in the Next Twenty Years: Ownership Structure, Role of Government and Corporate Finance


  • Andrey A. Yakovlev National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Yuri A. Danilov Center for Capital Market Development (CCMD), Russia


This paper discusses the evolution of Russian corporation model in midterm perspective. Authors consider main internal and external factors influencing the development of Russian corporations. On that base they propose an evaluation of sustainability of corporate governance improvements of last years and openness of Russian companies for the stock market (including share market and not only bond market), as well as a forecast for the influence of the governmental policy in the field of ownership rights on the behavior of Russian private companies and investors.


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How to Cite

Yakovlev, A. A., & Danilov, Y. A. (2007). Russian Corporation Development in the Next Twenty Years: Ownership Structure, Role of Government and Corporate Finance. Russian Management Journal, 5(1), 3–34. Retrieved from



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