Management of Russian Companies With Foreign Capital: Empirical Analysis


  • Tatiana G. Dolgopyatova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Irina O. Tomashuk National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


The objective of this paper is to investigate correlations between foreign investments in the equity of Russian firms and the peculiarities of their management. Using resource-based view and the 5M concept (the typology of resources), differences between domestic and joint firm business organization and behavior were tested empirically. The model of binary logistic regression was used. The analysis was based on the Russian data from Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) conducted in 2009 and 2012 by the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Consistent correlations between foreign investments into Russian firms and both managerial activities including training programs, the internationally recognized quality certification, the use of foreign licensed technology, and export activities (in 2012 only) were revealed. On the contrary, foreign and joint enterprises did not differ from domestic ones by frequencies of the introduction of new products or of expenditures on R&D.


foreign direct investments, management, resource-based view, Russian firms


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How to Cite

Dolgopyatova, T. G., & Tomashuk, I. O. (2013). Management of Russian Companies With Foreign Capital: Empirical Analysis. Russian Management Journal, 11(4), 3–30. Retrieved from



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