The Implementation of Lean Production System: Incentives, Effects and Problems. A Case of KAMAZ Publicly Traded Company


  • Tatiana G. Dolgopyatova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Eevgeniya V. Khomyakova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia; Rocco Holding Ltd.



The research is based on the case-study of public joint stock company “KAMAZ PTC” which is the largest Russian automotive corporation (the group of companies). The qualitative study was focused on lean production system development within this company. The case revealed factors and conditions, difficulties and effects of the implementation of this management system. Informational base included in-depth interviews with managers of the company, its annual reports, internal (close) documents, web-site, and other open sources. The role of business internationalization was revealed both as an incentive for lean production implementation against the background of increasing competition and as a prerequisite for possible success based on cooperation with world tracks producer Daimler AG. The problems in lean management development determined by weak communications, motivation of company personnel, and Russian labor market features are discussed.


management system, lean production, manufacturing enterprise competitiveness, internationalization


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How to Cite

Dolgopyatova, T. G., & Khomyakova, E. V. (2016). The Implementation of Lean Production System: Incentives, Effects and Problems. A Case of KAMAZ Publicly Traded Company. Russian Management Journal, 14(2), 49–76.



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