Humanistic Management, Social Management and System Management — The Way to the Management of the 21st Century


  • George B. Kleiner Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS); Central Economics & Mathematics Institute, Moscow, RAS; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia



The article discusses the perspectives of management development in Russia in the 21st century. Tracing the dynamics of the value bases and methodological apparatus of management in the last decades, we come to the conclusion about increasing role of the “system management” concept in the management of enterprises. This concept is based on the ideas of socio-economic space as a sphere of the processes of creation, functioning, interaction, development, recombination and liquidation of different socio-economic systems. We expect that 21st century will be the century of system management of enterprises. Socio-economic systems of different scales, types and functional characteristics will be objects of this new management. The theoretical foundation of the system management will be created on the base of evoliving system paradigm. The methods of this new management concept will organically combine functional approaches, humanistic ideals and social values. The article concludes with the discussion of a number of new directions of management, expanding and deepening its subject and instrumental spheres in the 21st century, i. e. the strategic and oriented, animalistic, reflexive, solidary, institutional management.


management of the 21st century, stages of management development, functional management, humanistic management, social management, system management, new directions of management


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How to Cite

Kleiner, G. B. (2018). Humanistic Management, Social Management and System Management — The Way to the Management of the 21st Century. Russian Management Journal, 16(2), 231–252.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies