Stakeholder Theory of the Firm from the Point of View of Property Regimes Conception


  • Vitaly L. Tambovtsev Moscow State University, Russia


The paper is devoted to the analysis of the attempts to justify the Stakeholders Theory of the Firm’s conception and Stakeholders Management’s principles from the Property Rights Theory’s point of view. It is shown that these attempts are not correct, because are based on the arbitrary interpretations of some Property Rights Theory’s notions. The treatment of the Stakeholders Theory of the Firm based on Property Regime’s conception is done, and the consequences for the Stakeholders Theory of the Firm following this approach are characterized.


stakeholder theory of the firm, property rights, property regimes


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How to Cite

Tambovtsev, V. L. (2008). Stakeholder Theory of the Firm from the Point of View of Property Regimes Conception. Russian Management Journal, 6(3), 3–26. Retrieved from



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