How Do Management Practices Influence Knowledge Sharing Among Employees? Evidence From Secondary Schools


  • Anastasia V. Sergeeva Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Tatiana E. Andreeva Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


This paper explores the mechanisms through which management practices influence knowledge sharing behavior of employees. We advance a proposition that management practices stimulate the employees to share knowledge not directly, but rather through the interaction with the employees’ motivation and abilities to do so. This proposition is empirically tested using the survey data of 329 teachers of secondary schools in St. Petersburg. The most interesting result is that management practices aimed at providing opportunities for knowledge sharing are negatively related to extrinsic motivation of employees to share knowledge and act as a moderating condition for the relationship between intrinsic motivation to share and the actual knowledge sharing behavior of employees.


knowledge sharing, knowledge management, knowledge governance approach, educational organizations


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How to Cite

Sergeeva, A. V., & Andreeva, T. E. (2014). How Do Management Practices Influence Knowledge Sharing Among Employees? Evidence From Secondary Schools. Russian Management Journal, 12(2), 67–98. Retrieved from



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