Applicability of the SECI Model of Knowledge Creation in Russian Cultural Context: Theoretical Analysis


  • Tatiana E. Andreeva Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Irina A. Ikhilchik Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


While the potential influence of national culture on the efficiency of knowledge management interventions has been widely accepted there is a little discussion concerning the underlying question — are the theories and models of knowledge related processes we use influenced by culture? SECI model proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi is very influential in knowledge management community, and its authors repeatedly claim of its universal validity. However, few recent writings challenge this opinion. Such discussion is complicated by the fact that SECI model in its original format resists empirical verification and thus limits its critical analysis. The aim of this study is to continue this discussion and to explore the limits of applicability of the SECI model through its operationalization and identification of the opportunities and limits of its application in Russian cultural context.


knowledge creation, SECI model, culture, Russia


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How to Cite

Andreeva, T. E., & Ikhilchik, I. A. (2009). Applicability of the SECI Model of Knowledge Creation in Russian Cultural Context: Theoretical Analysis. Russian Management Journal, 7(3), 3–20. Retrieved from



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