Case Writing and Case-Based Teaching In the Russian Business Education



The article provides analysis of some features of the current phase of the case studies development and usage in Russian universities, which is based on St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management experience and business educators survey held at end of 2013 – beginning of 2014. The survey allowed us to formulate a number of hypotheses on Russian universities faculty members’ perception of the key problems hindering the development of teaching and methodological educational process support based on case-method, their attitude to case writing by Russian authors and possible measures that can contribute to enhancing the process of authorial case studies development.


case study, case method, teaching case, research cases, case writing, case-based teaching, business education, Russia


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How to Cite

Gladkikh, I. V., & Alkanova, O. N. (2014). Case Writing and Case-Based Teaching In the Russian Business Education. Russian Management Journal, 12(2), 99–116. Retrieved from



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