The Impact of Regulation Changes On Procurement Performance For Public Organizations:
The Case of a Large Russian University



This paper analyses the impact of two reforms dealt with transparency improvement and adoption of more flexible regulation on effectiveness of procurement of a large state university (Higher School of Economics) in the period from 2008 to 2012. We evaluate the impact of two significant changes in the public procurement regulation: transfer to electronic auctions and adoption by this organization of its own Procurement Provision. We show that transfer to electronic auctions leads to higher competition and more significant price decreases, whereas the adoption of Procurement provision has an opposite effect. Regarding such indicator as delays in contracts execution, the first reform has no effect and the second regulation changes result in decreasing of delays.


public procurement, public organizations, regulation, reforms, procurement effectiveness, transparency, flexibility


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How to Cite

Tkachenko, A. V., Yakovlev, A. A., Demidova, O. A., & Volmenskikh, I. O. (2014). The Impact of Regulation Changes On Procurement Performance For Public Organizations:<br>The Case of a Large Russian University. Russian Management Journal, 12(4), 29–54. Retrieved from



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