Digital Manufacturing: New Challenges for Marketing and Business Models


  • Anna O. Daviy National Research University Higher School of Economics at St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Sofia N. Paklina National Research University Higher School of Economics at Perm, Russia
  • Alia S. Prokofyeva GK “Galaktika”, Russia



This paper is aimed at identifying the role of digital manufacturing in changes of marketing activities of industrial companies from the point of view of a business management system. Authors define and conceptualize the notion of “digital manufacturing”. Research design is based on the Deloitte Company methodology based on value creation approach. Customers, product, economics of production, and value chain are essential methodology parameters. Our analysis shows that implementation of digital manufacturing will necessarily significantly change entire business model and marketing activity of the company. The main drivers of this process are building and maintaining relationship with customers and new opportunities related to product design and production. Interaction with customers without intermediaries, customers’ involvement in the processes of new products development, new technical possibilities of creating personalized product-service solution are main changes in marketing activities caused by the implementation of digital manufacturing at the company.

Ключевые слова:

digital manufacturing, marketing, business model


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Как цитировать

Daviy, A. O., Paklina, S. N., & Prokofyeva, A. S. (2017). Digital Manufacturing: New Challenges for Marketing and Business Models. Российский журнал менеджмента, 15(4), 537–552.



Special Section: BRICS, Global Business & Innovation

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