The Contemporary Problems of Corporate Education in Russian Companies: Can There Be Learning Without Development?


  • Elena K. Zavyalova Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, Russia
  • Alexandre Ardichvili College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota, The USA



The article is devoted to modern problems of corporate education in Russian companies. It consistently solves three issues: analysis of quantitative and qualitative dynamics of corporate education system formation based on secondary information data, investigation of factors that influenced the process of corporate education system formation, critical analysis of the results of the ongoing changes from the standpoint of psychological science. A significant development and transformation of the corporate education system in Russian companies has been noted over the past three years. However, changes do not always produce the expected results. Analyzing the “resource — result” link from the position of the double loop learning concept suggested by C. Argyris, the authors come to the conclusion that there exist problems of organizational and methodological nature that affect the performance of corporate education. The causes of these problems are related to the psychological mechanisms underlying the adult learning process. Psychological and pedagogical approaches to overcoming these problems are proposed.


continuing education, corporate education, double-loop learning, professional and individual development, activity approach, pedagogical design


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How to Cite

Zavyalova, E. K., & Ardichvili, A. (2020). The Contemporary Problems of Corporate Education in Russian Companies: Can There Be Learning Without Development?. Russian Management Journal, 17(4), 499–516.



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