Strategic Management in the Global Hotel Industry


  • Gevork A. Papiryan LG Consulting, USA


The article examines the application of contemporary strategic management technologies in the global hotel industry. The consolidation and globalization processes in the industry are considering on the base of analyze of the corporate level integration strategies application, such as mergers and acquisitions, globalization, and multibrand strategy, by the companies. The product differentiation and clientoriented strategies are analyzing in the case of industry's luxury sector. Some unique strategic approaches of global luxury hotel chains Four Seasons and Ritz Carlton, which are providing a leading position for them in the industry, also are analyzing. The article raises question weather the strategies can be sustained in front of increase in competition, which appeared in the global hotel market, in its concluding part. The development of Russian luxury hotel segment also is discussing.


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How to Cite

Papiryan, G. A. (2007). Strategic Management in the Global Hotel Industry. Russian Management Journal, 5(2), 117–136. Retrieved from



Practice of Management