The Concept of Social-Economic Genotype and Contemporary Research In Management



Notion of Social-Economic Genotype (SEG) as an information mechanism providing support for social-economic systems’ persistence and variability was introduced by Efrem Z. Maiminas at the mid of 1960th and was developed him till his death at 2000. As it is known, Soviet economic science was developed out of contacts with world economic theory, so SEG concept is unknown now among economists and management researchers. Relations between SE G and notions of routines, path-dependence, organizational learning and some others are analyzed in the paper, and it is shown that SEG can play an integrative role amalgamating these concepts together. Potential directions for the SEG concept development are discussed in the paper’s conclusion.


social-economic genotype, routine, path-dependence, organizational learning


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How to Cite

Tambovtsev, V. L. (2014). The Concept of Social-Economic Genotype and Contemporary Research In Management. Russian Management Journal, 12(2), 117–132. Retrieved from



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