Customer Orientation: Results of the Empirical Test In the Russian Market



This paper is focused on the study of applicability of the existing approach to the customer orientation (CO) measurement in Russian emerging market. The research is based on the CO model developed by Narver and Slater (1990) that is one of the most frequently used in marketing and management. The analysis is based on the two data sets (2008 and 2010). The research results suggest that current approach to CO measurement and conceptualization should be revised as the one-factor model by Narver and Slater is substituted with two-factor model incorporating value and process components of the CO.


customer orientation, Russian market, CO scales, MKTOR, market orientation


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How to Cite

Rozhkov, A. G., Rebiazina, V. A., & Smirnova, M. M. (2014). Customer Orientation: Results of the Empirical Test In the Russian Market. Russian Management Journal, 12(3), 33–58. Retrieved from



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