О судьбах классики


  • Сергей Ростиславович Филонович Высшая школа менеджмента НИУ ВШЭ, Москва, Россия


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Библиографические ссылки

Основные книги Дж. Марча

March J. G., Simon H. A. 1958. Organizations. Wiley: N. Y.

Cyert R. M., March J. G. 1963. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. Prentice-Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

Cohen M. D., March J. G. 1974. Leadership and Ambiguity: The American College President. McGraw-Hill: N. Y.

March J. G. 1975. Autonomy as a Factor in Group Organization: A Study in Politics. Arno Press: N. Y.

Lave C. A., March J. G. 1975. An Introduction to Models in the Social Sciences. Harper & Row: N. Y.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1976. Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. Universitetsforlaget: Bergen.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1979. Ambiguity and Choice in Organizations. 2nd ed. Universitetsforlaget: Bergen.

March J. G. 1980. Autonomy as a Factor in Group Organization: A Study in Politics amics of Rules: Change in Written Organizational Codes. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA. (Doctoral dissertation, Yale University, 1953). Arno Press: N. Y.

Cohen M. D., March J. G. 1986. Leadership and Ambiguity: The American College President. 2nd edition. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA.

March J. G. 1988. Decisions and Organizations. Blackwell: N. Y.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1989. Rediscovering Institutions: The Organizational Basis of Politics. Free Press: N. Y.

Cyert R. M., March J. G. 1992. A Behavioral Theory of the Firm. 2nd ed. Blackwell: N. Y.

March J. G., Simon H. A., Guetzkow H. S. 1993. Organizations. 2nd ed. Blackwell: Cambridge, MA.

Lave C. A., March J. G. 1993. An Introduction to Models in the Social Sciences. 2nd ed. University Press of America: Lanham, MD.

March J. G., Heath C. 1994. A Primer on Decision Making: How Decisions Happen. Free Press: N. Y., Toronto.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1995. Democratic Governance. Free Press: N. Y.

March J. G. 1999. The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence. Blackwell: Malden, MA.

March J. G., Schulz M., Zhou X. 2000. The Dynamics of Rules: Change in Written Organizational Codes. Stanford University Press: Stanford, CA.

Наиболее цитируемые статьи Дж. Марча

Cyert R. M., Dill W. R., March J. G. 1958. The role of expectations in business decisionmaking. Administrative Science Quarterly 3 (4): 309–340.

March J. G. 1962. The business firm as a political coalition. Journal of Politics 24 (4): 662–678.

March J. G. 1971. The technology of foolishness. Civiløkonomen 18 (4): 4–12.

Cohen M. D., March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1972. A garbage can model of organizational choice. Administrative Science Quarterly 17 (1): 1–25.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1975. The uncertainty of the past: Organizational learning under ambiguity. European Journal of Political Research 3 (2): 147–171.

March J. C., March J. G. 1977. Almost random careers: The Wisconsin school superintendency, 1940–1972. Administrative Science Quarterly 22 (3): 377–409.

March J. G. 1978. Bounded rationality, ambiguity, and the engineering of choice. Bell Journal of Economics 9 (2): 587–608.

Levinthal D., March J. G. 1981. A model of adaptive organizational search. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2 (4): 307–333.

March J. G. 1981. Decisions in organizations and theories of choice. In: Van de Ven A., Joyce W. (eds.). Perspectives on Organization Design and Behavior. Wiley Interscience: N. Y.; 205–244.

March J. G. 1981. Footnotes to organizational change. Administrative Science Quarterly 26 (4): 563–577.

Feldman M. S., March J. G. 1981. Information in organizations as signal and symbol. Administrative Science Quarterly 26 (2): 171–186.

March J. G., Shapira Z. 1982. Behavioral decision theory and organizational decision theory. In: Ungson G., Braunstein D. (eds.). Decision Making: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry. Kent Publishing Company: Boston, MA; 92–115.

March J. G. 1982. Theories of choice and making decisions. Transaction/SOCIETY (21): 29–39.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1983. Organizing political life: What administrative reorganization tells us about governing. American Political Science Review 77 (2): 281–296.

March J. G., Shapira Z. 1987. Managerial perspectives on risk and risk taking. Management Science 33 (11): 1404–1418.

March J. G., Olsen J. P. 1984. The new institutionalism: Organizational factors in political life. American Political Science Review 78 (3): 734–749.

Harrison J. R., March J. G. 1984. Decision making and postdecision surprises. Administrative Science Quarterly 29 (1): 26–42.

March J. G. 1984. How we talk and how we act: Administrative theory and administrative life. In: Sergiovanni T. J., Corbally J. E. (eds.). Leadership and Organizational Culture. University of Illinois Press: Chicago, IL; 18–35. (Also in: Cohen M. D., March J. G. 1986. Leadership and Ambiguity. 2nd ed. Harvard Business School Press: Boston, MA; 273–290.)

Herriott S. R., Levinthal D., March J. G. 1985. Learning from experience in organizations. American Economic Review 75 (2): 298–302.

Baier V. E., March J. G., Sætren H. 1986. Implementation and ambiguity. Scandinavian Journal of Management Studies 2 (3/4): 197–212.

Lounamaa P. H., March J. G. 1987. Adaptive coordination of a learning team. Management Science 33 (1): 107–123.

March J. G. 1987. Ambiguity and accounting: The elusive link between information and decision making. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 12 (2): 153–168. (Also in: Cushing B. E. (ed.). 1987. Accounting and Culture. American Accounting Association; 31–49.)

March J. G. 1988. Variable risk preferences and adaptive aspirations. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 9 (1): 5–24.

Levitt B., March J. G. 1988. Organizational learning. Annual Review of Sociology (14): 319–340.

March J. G., Sevón G. 1988. Behavioral perspectives on theories of the firm. In: van Raaij W. F., van Veldhoven G. M., Wärneryd K.-E. (eds.). Handbook of Economic Psychology. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, Netherlands; 369–402.

March J. G. 1991. Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organization Science 2 (1): 71–87.

March J. G., Sproull L. S., Tamuz M. 1991. Learning from samples of one or fewer. Organization Science 2 (1): 1–13.

March J. G., Shapira Z. 1992.Variable risk preferences and the focus of attention. Psychological Review 99 (1): 172–183.

Levinthal D. L., March J. G. 1993. The myopia of learning. Strategic Management Journal 14 (8): 95–112.

March J. G. 1994. The evolution of evolution. In: Baum J., Singh J. (eds.). The Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations. Oxford University Press: N. Y.; 39–49.

March J. G. 1995. The future, disposable organizations and the rigidities of imagination. Organization 2 (3/4): 427–440.

March J. G. 1996. Learning to be risk averse. Psychological Review 103 (2): 309–319.

March J. G. 1996. Continuity and change in theories of organizational action. Administrative Science Quarterly 41 (2): 278–287.

March J. G., Sutton R. I. 1997. Organizational performance as a dependent variable. Organization Science 8 (6): 698–706.

March J. G. 1999. Research on organizations: Hopes for the past and lessons from the future. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier 1 (1): 69–83.


Карр Н. 2005. Блеск и нищета информационных технологий. М.: Секрет фирмы.

Майклз Э., Хэндфилд-Джонс Х., Экселрод Э. 2005. Война за таланты. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер.


Dasgupta P., Serageldin I. 2000. Social Capital: A Multifaceted Perspective. The World Bank: Washington, D.C.

Lin N. 2003. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, U. K.

Lin N., Cook K., Burt R. S. (eds.). 2001. Social Capital: Theory and Research. Aldine de Gruyter: N. Y.

Romelaer P. 2001. The Scope of James G. March's Present Scientific Influence. Cahier de Recherche N 72, Centre de recherché économique pure et appliquée, Université de Paris IX Dauphine.




Как цитировать

Филонович, С. Р. (2005). О судьбах классики. Российский журнал менеджмента, 3(4), 141–146. извлечено от https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/745



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