The Founding Concepts of Strategic Management and their Contemporary Assessment


  • Valeriy S. Katkalo Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


The purpose of the article is in finding out which of the initial concepts of strategy still are at the core of strategic management research and which today are on its periphery. Pioneering works of Harvard business school scholars (A. Chandler, K. Andrews et al.), I. Ansoffs concept of corporate strategy and analytical tools designed in the 1960s — early 1970s by consulting firms are examined through these lenses. Along with the notion that certain classical definitions and concepts remain valuable for contemporary strategy research, the author concludes that the ideas of the Planning School and most of the early analytical tools of consulting firms are not adequate for the new challenges of strategic management theory and practice.


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How to Cite

Katkalo, V. S. (2003). The Founding Concepts of Strategic Management and their Contemporary Assessment. Russian Management Journal, 1(1), 7–30. Retrieved from



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