Interjurisdictional Competition, Harmonization of Economic Policies and Development of Corporate Strategies


  • Alexander M. Libman Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The paper considers the problem of transformation of corporate strategies under the interjurisdictional competition, i. e. changes of governmental economic policies in turn of their competition for mobile capital. It identifies the major strategy alternatives, which could be used by corporations, both from the point of view of their economic activity and their relations to government. A special emphasis is made on choice between the regime of interjurisdictional competition and harmonization of economic policies. The paper studies the factors determining the strategy choice both on corporate level and on the level of interaction of private and public actors.


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How to Cite

Libman, A. M. (2006). Interjurisdictional Competition, Harmonization of Economic Policies and Development of Corporate Strategies. Russian Management Journal, 4(4), 23–44. Retrieved from



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