The Analysis of Market Reaction to Dividend Announcements of Russian Companies


  • Elena M. Rogova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg Campus, Russia
  • Galina O. Berdnikova National Research University Higher School of Economics, Saint Petersburg Campus, Russia


The paper is aimed at examining the stock market reaction to dividend announcements of Russian companies. There are numerous papers devoted to this issue, their results are controversial, and they are rather related to the developed markets than to developing economies. At the same time the last type of markets, as well as Russian market, lacks the studies devoted to the analysis of market reaction to this type of announcements. The understanding of signals that dividend announcements give companies’ shareholders and potential investors, alongside with highlighting factors influencing managers on their dividend policies, is important because it helps to improve the quality of investment and financial decisions. The peculiarity of this paper is that different sectors of economy are analyzed separately. The difference in reaction to dividend announcements of companies from different sectors of economy is revealed. The research is based on the event study methodology. The data sample consists of 115 announcements of Russian public companies during the period of 2009–2013.


dividend payments, stock market, dividend policy, market reaction, event study analysis


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How to Cite

Rogova, E. M., & Berdnikova, G. O. (2014). The Analysis of Market Reaction to Dividend Announcements of Russian Companies. Russian Management Journal, 12(4), 3–28. Retrieved from



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