Perception of Public E-services by Russian Citizens: A Pilot Study in St. Petersburg


  • Anastasia A. Golubeva Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Evgenii V. Gilenko Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia



The paper explores some issues of public e-services perception by Russian citizens. Based on the modern literature, we construct a hierarchical model of public e-services (PeS) adoption. We argue that the coexistence of public services provision in the traditional format with electronic one represents the nowadays specifics of PeS adoption in Russia. Thus PeS is actually not an integral part of the public services delivery process. The research is based on the authors’ survey of the St. Petersburg Portal of Public Services and up-to-date techniques of data analysis. We demonstrate that the Russian customers of public e-services indeed do not perceive as a part of the integral process of public services provision. The article concludes with special recommendations on further PeS delivery process development and improvement.


public e-services, e-government, citizens’ attitudes, factor analysis, cluster analysis


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How to Cite

Golubeva, A. A., & Gilenko, E. V. (2017). Perception of Public E-services by Russian Citizens: A Pilot Study in St. Petersburg. Russian Management Journal, 15(3), 289–302.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies