Global talent management: A view beyond developed markets


  • Louisa V. Selivanovskikh Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, Russia



This study aims to identify the main drivers, activity domains and outcomes of global talent management (GTM) in emerging market organizations. Through a structured keyword search and subsequent elimination of papers, 27 top peer-reviewed journal publications (out of 137 articles on talent management) are selected and thoroughly analyzed using mixed research techniques. Using VOSviewer software, I identify the four major clusters in GTM literature: TM in EMs, global talent mobility, TM in multinational corporations, and human resource management in a “global war for talent” context. I further conduct a structured content-analysis-based literature analysis and provide a much-needed overview of the underlying organization theories used in previous EM research to explain the GTM phenomenon. I additionally reveal the key GTM system components and determine the main demand-supply factors and outcomes of GTM implementation. Lastly, based on the study’s findings and subsequent discussions, I offer insights into future research avenues.

Ключевые слова:

global talent management, emerging markets, structured literature review, bibliometric analysis, content analysis


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Как цитировать

Selivanovskikh , L. V. (2020). Global talent management: A view beyond developed markets. Российский журнал менеджмента, 18(3), 383–410.



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