The Historical Effects of the Regional Entrepreneurial Activity




The entrepreneurial activity might be significantly heterogeneous at the regional level. Cases of economics, which have not been socialistic in the past, demonstrate that spatial differences are persistent over time. However it is still unclear whether it exists in emerging economies. This study investigates the relationship between entrepreneurial activity in regions of Russia in the late 1980s and the current level of regional entrepreneurship. In order to measure the entrepreneurial activity in Russia we use shares of self-employed on the labour force at regional level. This indicator might be a more accurate measure than the traditional one, that is based on the number of small and medium enterprises. In this study we test whether current spatial differences in entrepreneurship might be explained by the official or shadow entrepreneurial activity in the late 1980s. Our findings show that regions with high entrepreneurial activity in a shadow and official sector of Russian economy now demonstrate a high level of self-employment rates. Thus, the entrepreneurial activity has a long-term impact on the self-employment despite to the significant changes.


entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activity, regional entrepreneurship, cross-regional differences, historical effects


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How to Cite

Zazdravnykh, E. A. (2019). The Historical Effects of the Regional Entrepreneurial Activity. Russian Management Journal, 17(1), 97–120.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies