The Impact of Exports on Technological and Management Innovations of the Firm



In this work we investigate the learning effects associated with exporting activities of the firm. Learning is understood as technological and organizational innovations. We test the hypothesis that export entry stimulates innovations, that sustainable and continuous exporting may have
higher effects than de-novo entry, and that the geographical direction of trade matters for the nature of learning effects. Panel data from two surveys of manufacturing companies, conducted by HSE in the years of 2005 and 2009, has been employed. We received empirical evidence of significant and positive learning effects, particularly well-defined for innovations in firm management and organization, as well as decisions to invest in corporate R&D. The findings also show that the direction of trade matters and export to the developed countries is more likely to stimulate innovations than export to CIS.


export, innovation, productivity, firm organization and management


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How to Cite

Golikova, V. V., Gonchar, K. R., & Kuznetsov, B. V. (2012). The Impact of Exports on Technological and Management Innovations of the Firm. Russian Management Journal, 10(1), 3–28. Retrieved from



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