History of Interaction of Petersburg Discount and Loan Bank
With Industrial Companies In Russia (Late XIX – Early XX Century)
The paper examines the role of Petersburg Discount and Loan Bank in Russian industrial system from its establishment in 1869 till 1917. The article reveals the link between interests of shareholders’ groups and strategy of the Bank. Also the different mechanisms of interaction between Petersburg Discount and Loan Bank and industrial companies from a number of industries are shown. We also show how the Bank established, supported and strengthened the partnership relationships with its corporate clients. Special attention is paid to the effectiveness of the Bank’s operations prior to, during and after the industrial crisis in 1900–1903. The analysis suggests that the presence of strong Petersburg banks enhance growth opportunities in other industries and regions of Russia.
Russia, bank, industrial company, ownership, corporate governance, investment, interests
The List of References in Cyrillic Transliterated into Latin Alphabet
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