Knowledge management practices in Russian educational institutions




Goal: the aim of this study is to analyze the practices of knowledge management in Russian educational institutions and compare the obtained results with foreign practices.

Metodology: the systematic analysis of literature and the quantitative survey of respondents of Russian educational institutions were carried out. The content of 57 scientific articles was analyzed; 74 unique knowledge management practices were identified and grouped for the survey. Based on the responses of 120 heads of administrative divisions of educational organizations, redistribution of the identified practices was carried out in the key areas of application, thereby forming a different set of practices from foreign countries.

Findings: the analysis and systematization of secondary sources of information revealed a set of knowledge management practices in Russian educational institutions that differ from the foreign practices. The descriptive research and literature review identified the mostly used knowledge management practices in Russia.

Originality and contribution of the authors: the work contributes to the field of knowledge management by proposing the differences between foreign and Russian knowledge management practices, as well as supplementing and modifying the existing set of practices in the context of educational organizations.


knowledge management, knowledge management practices, educational organizations, knowledge sharing, strategic knowledge management


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How to Cite

Pleshkova, A. Y. (2024). Knowledge management practices in Russian educational institutions. Russian Management Journal, 22(1), 113–130.



Theoretical and Empirical Studies