Some Considerations on the Remark by М. А. Storchevoy
“On a Danger of Understatements and a High Level of Abstraction”
In this paper the author gives the comment on the remark by M. A. Storchevoy in the Russian Management Journal (Issue 1, 2016) which reviews the “understatements” in the article “Strategic Competitive Advantage: A Resource and Institutional View”.
competitive advantage, resource-based view, unique resource, specific resource, new institutional economics
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How to Cite
Obydenov, A. Y. (2016). Some Considerations on the Remark by М. А. Storchevoy <br>“On a Danger of Understatements and a High Level of Abstraction”. Russian Management Journal, 14(3), 71–76.
Theoretical and Empirical Studies
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