Gamification and KPI Automation: Another Managerial Trends or New Stimulation Methods?


  • Aleksei V. Rebrov National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
  • Artem Yu. Cherkasov National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia



This article is devoted to the most recent motivation methods — gamification and KPI automation. It includes the analysis of results of empirical research, which is the one of the first systematized studies related to gamified stimulation forms and reflecting both its theoretical and practical aspects. The paper also includes the theoretical analysis of KPI automion — another neoteric managerial tool. The obtained results make clear the both methods place in historically formed motivation methods system and make some conclusions and forecasts for these two methods development perspectives.


gamification, automation, KPI, motivation, compensation, personnel management


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How to Cite

Rebrov, A. V., & Cherkasov, A. Y. (2017). Gamification and KPI Automation: Another Managerial Trends or New Stimulation Methods?. Russian Management Journal, 15(3), 303–326.



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