
Russian Management JournalRussian Management Journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal dedicated to exchanging the findings of scholars and practitioners in all aspects of management of organizations with emphasis on studies devoted to emerging markets. The first issue was published in September 2003.

Russian Management Journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly academic journal that is dedicated to:
• publish a wide range of research on theory and contemporary practice of management with a focus on Russian and other emerging economies' issues;
• promote in getting and disseminating the new knowledge about the principles, methods and mechanisms of managing organizations in national and global markets;
• serve as a platform for fruitful cooperation between different groups of authors and readers.

The journal was established by the Saint Petersburg State University on the initiative of its Graduate School of Management.

The RMJ publishes articles in Russian and English language with additional special English-language section in each issue (issue contents, all article abstracts and keywords, information about the authors).

The Russian Management Journal has been accepted for coverage in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection). Coverage starts from the first issue of 2018.

Scope of the RMJ covers theoretical and empirical papers (as well as research case studies) related to broad areas of Strategy, Marketing, Corporate Finance, International Management, Organizational Behavior, Risk Management, Accounting and other issues in management.

Also it is in the list of journals accredited by the Norway government for the research projects assessment. The information about the RMJ is included at the Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO.

ISSN: 1729-7427   eISSN: 2618-6977

Frequency: 4 issues per year (starting with 2004)