The Impact of Integrated Management Structures on Innovations in Russian Enterprises: An Attempt of Empirical Analysis


  • Igor B. Gurkov Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Based on the results of a large-scale survey of Russian industrial enterprises we clarified the degree of enterprises’ involvement into corporations and the impact the corporations have on innovation activities of controlled enterprises. Around two thirds of large Russian industrial enterprises are not independent in their strategic decisions, and a half — in their operating decisions. «Soft» corporations, that exercise the strategic control only, have some advantages based on greater inter- and intraorganizational flexibility. «Hard» corporations, that exercise both strategic and operational control, have lower intensity of innovations and weaker innovation capabilities at enterprises’ level.


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How to Cite

Gurkov, I. B. (2005). The Impact of Integrated Management Structures on Innovations in Russian Enterprises: An Attempt of Empirical Analysis. Russian Management Journal, 3(4), 55–66. Retrieved from



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