Anatomy of Corporate Spiritual and Social Awareness: The Case of Medtronic, Inc.


  • Kenneth E. Goodpaster College of Business, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • Thomas Holloran College of Business, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


The authors of this paper first clarify spiritual and social awareness in organizational management by analogy with spiritual and social awareness in personal life. They then profile the managerial convictions and practices of Medtronic, Inc., a large American medical products firm, with attention to the main elements of spiritual and social awareness identified in the first part of the paper. In the concluding section, the authors offer some suggestions for other companies that might learn from the Medtronic case analysis.


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How to Cite

Goodpaster, K. E., & Holloran, T. (2006). Anatomy of Corporate Spiritual and Social Awareness: The Case of Medtronic, Inc. Russian Management Journal, 4(4), 99–118. Retrieved from



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