The American Experience in Reconstruction of the Soviet Petroleum Industry in 1920–30s


  • Boris M. Shpotov Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


The new economic policy (NEP) of 1920’s revived interest to the theory and practice of management in the USSR. Alexandr P. Serebrovsky, the head of state trust «Azneft», put forward idea of «americanization» of its management on the sample of the Standard Oil of California. With transition to the centralized command economy, the idea lost any ground. The American technical assistance, which contained elements of management (in the form of «a technical guidance», transfer of experience, training to work on the modern equipment) partially helped to solve problems of the Soviet petroleum industry.


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How to Cite

Shpotov, B. M. (2006). The American Experience in Reconstruction of the Soviet Petroleum Industry in 1920–30s. Russian Management Journal, 4(1), 163–178. Retrieved from



History of Management Thought