Inter-firm Cooperation: Analysis of Clusters’ Development in Russia



The article is aimed to the analysis of inter-firm cooperation as a factor of clusters’ development. Based on the interviews with the directors and entrepreneurs which represent two groups of clusters in three Russian regions we test hypothesis about scale, incentives and forms of cooperation. The results of the study show that forms of cooperation between Russian companies are not so developed in comparison with European practice. The evidence of cluster with cooperation among the cluster members is found in the IT-sector but not in machinery building, in spite of the latter is the object of many projects of regional clusters in Russia.


cluster, cooperation, relational rent


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How to Cite

Golovanova, S. V., Avdasheva, S. B., & Kadochnikov, S. M. (2010). Inter-firm Cooperation: Analysis of Clusters’ Development in Russia. Russian Management Journal, 8(1), 41–66. Retrieved from



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