Employers’ Adjustment to the Requirements of Employment Protection Legislation in Russia


  • Olga N. Mironenko National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


The paper contains the results of empirical study based on the data from the enterprise survey conducted by the Laboratory for Labour Market Research (HSE) in November 2009. The author reveals that, in spite of uniform legislation, employment protection is considered as more liberal by employers in trade, finance and business services, as well as by fully private firms, firms that did not received government aid during the 2009 crisis and those enterprises that increased the number of employees. The U-shape relationship between the average wage and employment protection costs indicates that some enterprises in Russia can compensate these costs by paying less to their employees.


employment protection legislation, labour market institutions


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How to Cite

Mironenko, O. N. (2012). Employers’ Adjustment to the Requirements of Employment Protection Legislation in Russia. Russian Management Journal, 10(3), 31–54. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/284



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