Certification Effects of the ISO 9000: Empirical Analysis On Russian Industrial Companies



The effect of the ISO 9000 certification on the economical results of Russian companies is analysed using the event-study method. Information dataset is built on the basis of the sample of the Industrial companies competitiveness monitoring project, conducted in 2009 by the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies at HSE. The empirical study methodology is given, i. e. hypothesis, information dataset, model of effects evaluation. The main finding of the paper is that having the ISO 9001 certificate stimulates profitability and reduces costs, but does not lead to sales and asset turnover rises. The limitations of the study are formulated and further research questions are provided.


quality management system, ISO 9000 certification effect, industrial companies


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How to Cite

Vynarik, V. A. (2014). Certification Effects of the ISO 9000: Empirical Analysis On Russian Industrial Companies. Russian Management Journal, 12(2), 13–36. Retrieved from https://rjm.spbu.ru/article/view/212



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