The impact of organizational ambidexterity on performance of diversified industrial enterprises




Goal: to identify an optimal set of tools that allow multibusiness diversified enterprises to achieve organizational ambidexterity to assess two aspects of improvement activities — search and operational. The second goal is to establish the influence of organizational ambidexterity on the efficiency of doing business by multibusiness diversified enterprises.

Metodology: the search for the optimal set of tools was carried out by the construction of regression models and using mathematical optimization methods. The impact of operational ambidexterity on a company performance was assessed by means of statistical tests. The empirical basis of the study became 327 completed projects in 16 multibusiness diversified enterprises in the manufacturing industry.

Findings: a model has been developed that allows to select the optimal set of tools in order to improve production and form the basis for the development of new types of activities, i.e. to achieve organizational ambidexterity. The study showed that the effectiveness of search activities influences mostly labor productivity and the number of new competencies, while the improvement of operational activities affects the share of products certified according to the international standards in the enterprise's total production volume and the quantity of new competencies of the organization’s employees aimed to achieve organizational ambidexterity.

Originality and contribution of the authors: the study identifies the conditions for achieving organizational ambidexterity by multibusiness enterprises. A new model has been proposed to determine the optimal set of tools for improving production and developing new types of activities that ensure the achievement of organizational ambidexterity and the increase of efficiency in multibusiness diversified enterprises.


diversified industrial enterprises, industry, organizational ambidexterity, efficiency, improvement of current and search activities, adaptability, productivity


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Литература на русском языке

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Translation of references in Russian into English

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How to Cite

Trachuk, A. V., Kolobov, A. V., & Linder, N. V. (2024). The impact of organizational ambidexterity on performance of diversified industrial enterprises. Russian Management Journal, 22(1), 131–153.



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