Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Competition in the Cloud Services


  • Pavel V. Konyukhovskiy Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
  • Anna S. Kuznetsova Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


The article provides the extension of the mathematical models of the cloud services economics. The authors consider the strategies of interaction between cloud service providers. Two types of competition are analyzed in the paper, namely the competition on infrastructure investments costs and price competition. The first type decisions affect the market volume of cloud services, the second type decisions affect the market share of the companies. In the article the conditions of the equilibrium in framework of the basic model are formulated. Also the authors discuss some possible ways of introduction of the dynamics and uncertainty factors in the model of distribution of the market demand between cloud service providers.


economics of cloud services, mathematical modeling, Nash equilibrium


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How to Cite

Konyukhovskiy, P. V., & Kuznetsova, A. S. (2015). Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Competition in the Cloud Services. Russian Management Journal, 13(3), 39–58. Retrieved from



Theoretical and Empirical Studies