Review Process

1. Assessment on desk-rejection decision
With a manuscript received, the Editor-in-Chief or assigned member of Editorial Board (Associate Editor) of the RMJ carries out a preliminary screening of a manuscript to assess the degree to which it (1) fits the thematic scope of the journal; (2) fits the criteria described in the “Author Guidelines” description.
Submissions that fail to satisfy one or both of those criteria may be returned to the authors as a desk-rejection decision, sometimes with recommendation how to shape the paper in order to correspond with the RMJ requirements.

2. Peer-review procedure
Each manuscript that successfully went through the first stage is to be blind reviewed. The RMJ uses "double blind" peer-review. All manuscripts should be prepared by the authors not to compromise blind review process. Usually, peer-reviewing stage takes up to 9 weeks. The "revise and resubmit" option can be offered as a result of peer-reviewing stage.
The publication decision on manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief (or assigned Associate Editor) in conjunction with recommendations provided by reviewers and members of the Editorial Board of RMJ.