Online Repurchase Intention: Empirical Study on the Household Equipment Market


  • Geraldine Videlaine Rennes School of Business, University Rennes, France
  • Laurent Scaringella Rennes School of Business, University Rennes, France



The explosion of e-commerce has enabled consumers to purchase goods online. We have developed a conceptual framework based on the technology acceptance model, the expectation-confirmation theory, and the concept of information systems continuance. Our intent is to conduct an empirical study on consumers’ online repurchase of household equipment, which has not been undertaken before. 218 respondents answered our survey on the IKEA online repurchase intention. Structural equation modeling has been used for the analysis. Concerning the household equipment market, our findings indicate that past internet shopping experience affects online customers’ perceived ease of use, confirmation and satisfaction. The usability of a website affects trust, perceived enjoyment, and usefulness. Customers’ confirmation affects satisfaction but not perceived usefulness. Intention to repurchase household equipment online is positively affected by perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Analysis of our data leads to the counter-intuitive finding that online repurchase intention is negatively affected by perceived enjoyment. Our study contributes to bring together several extant online repurchase intention models.


Internet, e-commerce, repurchase, household equipment, online shopping, IKEA


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How to Cite

Videlaine, G., & Scaringella, L. (2020). Online Repurchase Intention: Empirical Study on the Household Equipment Market. Russian Management Journal, 17(4), 569–590.



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