Guest Editors’ Introduction
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Bukhvalov A. V., Alekseeva О. A. 2015. Strategies of international companies in emerging markets: Impact of globalization and experience of localization. Russian Management Journal [Rossiiskii Zhurnal Menedzhmenta] 13 (2): 149–170. (In Russian)
Fischer Т., Henkel J. 2013. Complements and substitutes in profiting from innovation — A choice experimental approach. Research Policy 42 (2): 326–339.
Govindarajan V., Ramamurti R. 2011. Reverse innovation, emerging markets, and global strategy. Global Strategy Journal 1 (3–4): 191–205.
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Ramamurti R., Hillemann J. 2018. What is “Chinese” about Chinese multinationals?” Journal of International Business Studies 49 (1). (Forthcoming)
Suarez D. 2014. Persistence of innovation in unstable environments: Continuity and change in the firm’s innovative behavior. Research Policy 43 (4): 726–736.
How to Cite
Barajas, A. A., & Rogova, E. M. (2017). Guest Editors’ Introduction. Russian Management Journal, 15(4), 513–514.
Special Section: BRICS, Global Business & Innovation
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